Classes are not suspended, and remote guidance is constantly online!
       At the beginning of the new year, a sudden epidemic stopped the teachers and students from returning to school. In accordance with the unified deployment and requirements of the Ministry of Education, the Department of Education of Shandong Province and the school on the education and teaching work during the epidemic prevention period, the teachers and students of the Sijifeng research group and members of the center responded actively and quickly studied and formulated online teaching programs for postgraduates during the epidemic period to promote postgraduates teaching and training work proceeded steadily and orderly.

1. Suspension of classes without stopping school, guidance does not stop

        At 9:00 a.m. on March 20, 2020, the 2017 graduate students took the form of remote video to break the boundaries of the classroom and conducted a "special" pre-defense.The teachers of the research group, some backbones of the center and all the graduate students in the school participated in this pre-defense. The students mainly explained the topic background, purpose and significance of the thesis, innovative points, the content of the thesis, and the results of the thesis.After listening to the report, the teachers and the backbone of the center gave targeted guidance on the students’ paper content, paper format, PPT production and language expression, and discussed the relevant research content of the paper many times. 


2. Suspension of classes without stopping school, learning does not stop

        Under the guidance of the principle of "stopping classes and not stopping teaching", the teachers and students of the research group and members of the center faced new attempts and actively carried out various online learning activities.Teachers and students of the research group maintain a weekly network group meeting to ensure the smooth progress of scientific research activitiesIn the group meeting, the teachers and students of the research group respectively reported on the recent work. The teachers in the group guided each student's study and work situation, and the students also actively asked the teachers for questions, which truly achieved the "extended learning and changing research".


3. Suspension of classes without stopping school, communication is not stopped
        The teachers and members of the research group not only attach importance to scientific research and teaching, but also attach importance to humanistic care, and have been in close contact with the graduate students in the group.In the face of this major epidemic, teachers and members of the center showed meticulous care for graduate students from study, life to mental health, etc. They used actions to interpret the great love of teachers and performed a period of selfless dedication story.